City of Montrose COVID-19 Response

The Takeaways

  • Implement a framework that encourages fruitful collaboration between the local government and the business community.

  • Institute a formal or informal “open-door” policy.

  • Identify business “champions” in your community.

Left Image description: Example of Montrose Social Media post that shows people at tables enjoying coffee in front of a row of businesses including a cafe, restaurant, and pub. Heading of post says "Hey Restaurant Owners! We have parklets to expand your outdoor dining space. Contact kadams@cityofmontrose for more information, Right image description: Another example of a Montrose social media post showing a woman wearing a mask opening the door to her business captioned “The Hartbeat of Main Street Grant Program. Background is peach color, and below image of woman it says “For more information visit:”

The Case Study

The City of Montrose rapidly responded to business needs through a relief package for small businesses. The package included cooperative marketing grants, a sales tax deferral, and a small business emergency loan fund. The relief package emphasized the “spirit of collaboration” since the cooperative marketing grant required at least three businesses to partner together. Montrose quickly pivoted by reallocating funds for tourism to providing cooperative marketing grants to local businesses working together. 

The City of Montrose has also worked as a convener by bringing together the school district, recreation district, and a local Jimmy John’s franchise to provide meals for local children. The school district provided meals Monday-Friday with the recreation district serving as the delivery operator. The recreation district was otherwise shut down while stay-at-home and safer-at-home orders were in effect. Jimmy John’s reached out to the City to provide 100 meals for children over the weekend when the school district could not provide food.

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